Saturday, 16 November 2013

Blackboards for Christmas anyone?

So, Brighton has decided to switch its Christmas lights on and fill its shop windows with brightly coloured gift boxes. Me, I've turned to creating brightly-coloured A-boards and chalkboards for local businesses. 

Fancy your blackboards drawn on? Want something a bit different to advertise this year? Give me a call, and I'll pop down with my box of pens, and sketchbook full of ideas.

Friday, 1 November 2013


Welcome to Blackboard Chalkboard, a little blog in a corner of the internet designed to show you the work of Brighton-based blackboard and chalkboard artist Ollie Stone.

I desecrate (by request) the blackboards of pubs, cafes, shops and restaurants all over Brighton and the South-East, creating boards that are both informative and quite nice-looking. I have a background in illustration, graphic design, typography and using very colourful pens, and am able to work very flexible hours to deliver the awesome blackboards that you desire.

I work out pricing on a job-by-job basis, and take into account things like location, time working on-site and materials. I can always fix a price before I start a job, and this can be done once I receive the details of what you would like done, or meet you for a quick chat.
So whether you'd like to tell everyone about your new range of pies, have an A-board to advertise Sky sports or promote your boutique in the Brighton lanes, just gimme a call, send an email or fly a carrier pigeon my way.

The bulk of my work can be seen at
Otherwise, you can visit
Or, just scroll down for a little taster.